Peach's Place

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Being a Housewife

What is so great about being a housewife these days?
We often get bogged down with the day to day chores without realizing how great it is to be a stay-at-home wife/mom.
What can be more wonderful than staying home and cooking/cleaning for the one you love? Raising his children while he goes out into the workforce to provide for his family.
**It is our duty to see to it that the family doesn't starve. Not by being the bread-winner, but by being the bread-maker.
How often do we 'cheat' and feed the kids hotdogs and cheese for lunch, instead of taking the time to feed them a well-balanced meal at every mealtime? I know I do.
More often than not, we have PB&J, hot dogs, spaghetti-o's, or something equally lacking in nutrients. What message am I sending to my children by feeding them the same nutrient-less foods, each day. By feeding them enriched with vitamins (translation...the actual food has no nutrients, so they are artificially added) not really going to absorb into your body lunches...
Why don't we take the time to cook a full-on meal everytime it is time to sit together at the table? And why do I find myself taking my own food into the living room to sit in front of the TV or into the computer room.... instead of eating at the table with them. Teaching them manners, not to throw food, not to put it on the floor and then eat it (bc we all know food tastes better with a little dirt on it).
I really don't know what I'm getting at here. I've strayed from my original topic.
My point is this... I need, we need, to feed our kids more nutritious meals and to take the time to sit down and eat with them. All that other stuff is junk, and it is the reason why a great percentage of children are overweight now days.
I know I don't want to contribute to that. I have my own weight to carry without adding to theirs.
**Another one of our duties as a SAHM is to make sure the house is clean. Put things in their place. Don't shove it into a corner or drawer until you 'get around to it'. You're never going to get around to it. If it takes only a few seconds to actually put it where it goes, then go ahead and do it. Don't put it off, bc you're only hurting yourself.
We also need to be teaching our children how to put things in their proper place. Don't let them get all the toys out at once. Let them play with one thing at a time. When they are done with that, they put it back and on to the next item. There's no need to trash an entire room with toys, just bc they can.
How young are we starting our kids out with helping with the chores? I only recently started having my 5 year old help out. Why? Because I didn't think she would do a good enough job... or I just didn't trust her to do a job that she is perfectly capable of handling. You have to let go of your 'neat freak' tendencies and let them learn how to clean on their own. Yes, it is ok to show them a better way, the right way, or help them fix it when they mess up. But we have to let them learn on their own. How else will they know?
So, now, not only do I have my 5yo doing chores, but also the 2yo. A 2yo is perfectly capable of folding a bath towel and wash cloths. They see how we do it and copy it. "Monkey see, Monkey do" There's meaning behind this madness.
I have crayon marks all over my walls from not watching my 2yo when she colors. How hard is it going to be for me to get that off? Not hard at all. Even more easy if I let her do it. Mr.Clean will wipe crayon off a wall with little to no effort.
**What are we teaching our kids when we sit in front of the computer all day, or sitting on the couch like a potato??? I can't count the number of days I have wasted away by sitting in front of the computer and/or TV. Why do we let these 'magic' boxes suck us in? Where is our self-control?

You're asking me now, what does this have to do with your husband?? Well, it has a lot to do with him.
I am the mother to his children. I am his helpmeet. And, if I'm not doing a proper job at home, then I might as well put on a suit and tie and go out and get myself a job and let him be the one to stay at home with the kids. It's easy to sit around all day, cook a 'last minute' meal and quickly pick up before he makes it inside the door from his car. Any idiot can do that. But, I'm an intelligent human being who is more capable of doing a better job on a healthier meal and a cleaner house.

I'm preaching to myself here. I haven't told you anthing you don't already know. This is mainly me telling myself to get off my duff and get some work done. So, off I go to do a better job at 'the greatest job in the world!'

Friday, January 13, 2006

The Chart

Ok, I put this out last night for my husband to see this morning. To be perfectly honest... I didn't really expect him to see it at all. But, he did.


1-Time spent with your children
2-A clean house
3-An attractive wife
4-Well prepared meals
5-Time spent with others

A Clean House means:
clutter picked up
no dishes in the sink
living room/kitchen clean

Well prepared meal is:
hot dogs on paper plates

Time spent with children means:
play time

Time spent with others is:
building friendships

An attractive wife is:
attractively dressed
happy, rejoicing
strong character

(he checked all on that one, except the make-up bc he likes me without it) LOL

He said it was hard and there were somethings he didn't quite understand. But, he filled it out just fine.
So now I have something to measure myself with.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Liking this...

I like having 3 blogs. One is for fun, the other is a spiritual emphasis, and I haven't yet decided what this one is for. I like having 3, though.
They are all so different in operation.
I need prayers. I'm undertaking something that is going to take a lot of prayer, dedication, and self-control. It is going to be hard, but I already know it is going to be beneficial and the Lord is going to help me through it, bc I'm going to have to lean on Him only.
I'm also trying to remember to pray for my husband each day. This is something you'd think I'd remember to do, but I don't. I know that I want his prayers each day. I don't really know if he does or not. But, I want to pray for him each day.
He works hard for our family. Really hard. He tries his best to keep me happy. He does keep me happy. But, it isn't his job to keep me happy, really. It is my job to decide what my attitude is at all times, and how moody I can get. I can control that. He cannot, no matter how hard he tries. And I want to stop making him have to work so hard to do something that is really a lot easier for me to do.
Marriage emphasis?? I think that's a good one for this site.
I really love my husband (speak of the devil... he's calling me).... but I don't always show it. It doesn't reflect in my housework. It doesn't reflect in my cooking. I don't cook for him every night. That is really bad. But it's true. And he puts up with it without complaining.
I really want to change how I treat him. I imagine that if I were out working 10+ hours a day, that it would be really hard to come to nothing cooked. Nothing even remotely being prepared for me to eat. I don't know why he puts up with it, but he does. But, he shouldn't have to. So, that is another thing I intend to work on. Making sure he is fed 3 good meals a day. Without fail. Including me getting up and getting his breakfast (that's gonna be the hard one)... and having him a lunch prepared so he doesn't have to fend for himself by eating a yucky hotdog from the local convenience store. He likes them, but they aren't healthy. And I want him to stick around for a while. So, I need to make sure he is eating good.
That's all for now. I've done a lot of rambling, but I have some things I need to do if I'm going to turn over a new leaf. And sitting here isn't accomplishing a thing. LOL

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

A Lot of Time

I can see already that it is going to take up a lot of my time to keep 3 blogs updated. Someone is going to have to keep me on my toes.
I like blogging. It is very fun. I find it an outlet for expressing myself for my internet pals to see.
It is definitely going to be an adjustment figuring out how to format in 3 different codes, though.
Not going to be easy. I can see my time going down the drain as I speak.
That's all for now.