Peach's Place

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Here are some pictures of my handsome DH!!

Here is my hunny playing Ping-Pong after church Sunday night. He doesn't really get into it, but it's something he and my little brother do together and they talk 'shop' and stuff. It's manly bonding.
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Here he is getting himself a glass of iced tea. Of course, Phoebe wanted some, also. He can't resist those big blue eyes very often!! LOL
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Here he is giving Phoebe a 'goodbye' hug before he left for work Saturday night. She loves her daddy. I think the feeling is mutual. ;)
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This is the first pic I took of him with the new camera. I love the shots I get of him while he's sitting in the driver's seat. I have at least 3 now. The difference with this one is that he has facial hair this time. I like his goatee. I'm going to miss it when he shaves it off.
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Blogger amanda said...

My man has a beard, but every now and then it gets away from him and he has to shave it off and start over... and that's when I feel like I'm living with (and kissing) a stranger!

March 04, 2006 10:15 AM  

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